Wednesday, 18 February 2009

A suffering birthday

I was aksed to make two cards one to the one who suffers me on her birthday and the other
To my Darling Wife on her Birthday.
This is the suffering one I used Jolly Nations the perfect houswife decoupage and blinged it up with gem and glitter card

Monday, 16 February 2009

card fit for a Mason

I was asked to make a card last year for someone in the Mason's
I designed this and cut it with Robo
I got the file out this morning as My OH wanted a card for a friend who is in the same Lvdge. Not spelt it wrong My OH is a member of the oldest lodge in Scotland and the only Lvdge that is spelt this way

Sunday, 15 February 2009

A friendship award

A frendship award I have been given from Angel who always stops by my blog to say hello and is a very talented lady

I have to pass this award on to more friends I made through blogging so here goes

Denise A blogging friend who gives me links to blog candy and is also very tanlented

Susie Another talented friend with some brilliant ideas

Maureen A lovely lady and friend who has helped me so much through the imagenation forum

Bev who pops onto my blog often to say hell another very talented lady

Wendy This lady puts on some really wicked challenges for crafters Companion forum which has helped me with scrapbooking layout and yes I am now going to take part in the challenges

If I have missed anyone out I am sorry I have made some really beautiful friends while blogging and really would like to award it to every one of you

Thank you all

Saturday, 14 February 2009


Shop-a-holic Decopage I used My craft Studio for the decopage and greeting.
Stamped the small images and embossed with Blonde moments embossing powder

I Love you

A4 valentine's Card aperture designed and cut with Robo.
Forever friends Stamped and watercoloured.
I added little punched hearts and glitter to finish

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Bad Hair

I was asked for a card to do with a bad hair do I used Joanna Sheen Animal Antics Cd. Printed the greeting and mat and layered in complimenting colours


Another Valentine Card similar to the last I printed the greeting cut the hearts with Robo and watercolour Newton

A few Valentine's cards using Newton Bear and Hearts cut with Robo.
I printed the greeting in co-ordinating colours and water coloured newton with My marvy's and Impress pens

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Big Sis

This card is for Big sis who loves the colour green and likes to pamper herself .
I used Jolly Nations luxury bath Decoupage.
I designed the wording in Design Master and cut with Robo
Added some glitter

Monday, 9 February 2009

Bling n Bags

Card for the Girl who loves Bling and Bags.
I stamped the two main images embossed with Blonde moments embossing powders cut them out and colooured with Sakura pens.
Printed the greeting then randomly stamped the same image with versa mark ink and chalked over.
I then added brads, gems and ribbon to finish

The Big 50

I was asked to make a large card for a 50th Birthday so everyone could sign.
I used A3 card printed the greeting designed the Big 50 using Design Master
cut with robo and added a few stars.

Saturday, 7 February 2009


I have been given this new award by Karen thankyou very much and the only rule is you must award it to five people
here is the list

Angels Delight

Thursday, 5 February 2009


Glitter Girls Boards are brilliant for Valentines cards
These are two I was asked for a couple of unusual cards and this is what I came up with
I used Red holographic board feathers, Heart punch and a set of See Dees stamps

Your 40 a total mix of craft

This card is a mixture of Stamping my favourite, water colouring and Robo
I used Design Master, Craft Robo to cut out the aperture. Used Forever friends Stamp for the bear and a florish stamp, word stamps for the greeting
I coloured the bear using my Marvy and Impress markers added little turquios embellishments to the corner florishes with Sakura and added some glitter to finish


I used Card creations CD for the image Cuttlebug embossing and die for the mats and pink words. Craft Robo and Design Master for the wording down the edge of the card and finished off with ribbon and glitter.

Its a Girl

I used Card creations CD for the image and backing paper.
Craft Robo and Design Master to cut the wording on the edge and a cuttlebug Embossing folder and finished it with iridecsent ribbon and glitter

Happy Beerday

A birthday Card for the man who like a beer or two
I used My Craft Studio and 3D cardbuilder for the background paper and the Decoupage.
I also printed the greeting onto the card and was able to emboss with gold then added a few star and wheel shapes

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Jolly Nation Gardener

Paper nation Decoupage again I printed the greeting and then backed the image onto some Heart nesties cut with the Robo there are four layers of hearts and I inked the edges in brown and reds to co-ordinate with the decoupaged image GSD file for robo will follow

Jolly Nations Laptop

I love Paper nation Decoupage you can find one for every person in your life and everyone elses!
The greeting was printed and I put the image straight onto the card and not on a mat first you can see it is five layers and ideal for someone who just love PCs

Monday, 2 February 2009

Ben 10 Boys

Another card for Brother but with Ben 10 I used Mycraft Studio for the decoupage and the greeting,
The word brother I designed in Designs master and cut with craft robo then edged with gold pen GRA file for robo will follow


I was asked to make a transformer Son card for an 11 year old was not sure which transformer he liked so I chose bumblebee as he is the yellow sports car.
I used My craft studio for the background, name plate and decoupage design master and craft robo to cut the actual card and pastel chalks in shades of yellow, Orange and black to colour and blend into the word Son.

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Thank you in pink

A thank you card I used the Glitter Girls bookatrix Cuttlebug embossing folders
and My craft Studio for the image and GCF for the sentiment.
I embellished with Ribbon gems amd Glitter glue

Singing Kilty

This is the singing Scotsman I drew myself for a card I made last year. as you can see the kilt has been made by hand from ribbon, felt and silver thread.

When you lift the kilt you find the singing scotsmans extra microphone.
This picture has also been used for stationery for a pub in the canary Islands

Thursday, 29 January 2009

75th Birthday

Birthday card cut with robo used some floral stams and punches to decorate the aperture in colours of cream and gold

 Hi Crafty Friends, I'm finally back in cold Scotland and waiting for the warm weather to appear. I am now starting work on my dragon jo...